

Apple Resease Information About IPAD battery indicator

There was another small dust-up this week over the new iPad and its battery, following a rash of complaints that the device charges too slowly.

Human And Robots will Do everything together in future

The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots.

Google chrome give new feture to user use chrome in every android phone

The world’s fastest browser on Android!? The super news shocked the users of Android! So now you could finally bring up your net surfing to a high speed level.

Apple Launch New Iphone5 with large LCD 4.6 inch

Apple’s new iPhone 5 will have a sharper and bigger 4.6-inch retina display and is set to be launched around the 2nd quarter, Reuter says.

New Top 5 Technology Trends For Twenties Centry

With the End-of-Year Countdown firmly underway, We’ve taken time to reflect on the last twelve months to give our forecast of the top five trends for the year ahead.

Friday 25 May 2012

Icar Apple Owner Steve Jobs Last dream creation not completed

No one ever wondered that a truly remarkable electronic company like “Apple” would ever think of manufacturing a car! But Apple’s former CEO (Steve Jobs) who indeed a legend, thought of building one at his time. It was his dream to build such a car that could be called “iCar” and carry an Apple logo on it. No one knew the specs, the designs or any thing about that car. So his dream was buried along with him on his death, people tried to collect the thoughts and ideas of Steve to make a visualization of what he was trying to create. One of the board director of Apple disclosed his dream and stated that Steve was thinking to build a car that could shake the automobile industry. So to promote his idea an auto designer Liviu Tudoran made something called “iMove” and predicted that such type of cars would be available by 2020. We have a got a bundle of pictures of his concept. Take a look at those pictures below

Sunday 20 May 2012

Cameras Originally developed for a military

With cameras like the Canon EOS 5D Mark III hitting the market, it's good to have a few alternatives that aren't so expensive. We've rounded up seven of the coolest cameras that you probably never knew existed for your viewing enjoyment. Continue reading to see them all.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Apple Iphone 5 Slim and smart review

This iPhone concept has really a slick and smart feel on the first look. It is supposed to made of a special material known as LiquidMetal, a mix of several different metals. LiquidMetal not only makes the phone more durable, but also makes it look beautiful.

The general specs of this concept include a 4 inch screen with a 10 Mp camera, and a very high-end 5 Mp front facing camera, which will really be more than capable of taking self-portraits, as well as for video-chatting. The full specs of the LiquidMetal made iPhone are,

    * 4 Inch screen
    * Only 7 mm thick
    * 10 Mp camera (rear)
    * 5 Mp camera (front)
    * Faster processor (probably the rumored Quad-Core A6)
    * Quad speakers
    * NFC chip
    * Virtual Home Button
    * Embedded Sim card
    * And ofcourse, the LiquidMetal casing around the iPhone

7 Is This The iPhone 5? New LiquidMetal iPhone Concept Surfaces On The Web

Though we still consider the iPhone Plus better than this with the pico projector and the rear motion sensor, but we surely won’t be disappointed if Apple turns out with an iPhone 5 like this.

Because the liquid metal casing looks simply gorgeous, and this concept is so unbelievably thin at just 7mm that it would make even the recently released Samsung Galaxy S III (8.6 mm thick) look like it needs a bit of exercise.

You can have a look at some photos of this LiquidMetal concept.

Saturday 12 May 2012

A large Place of Refurbished Technologies where the most of computer waste goes

This is the place where the most of computer waste goes. In this small village in China, people live really odd life. Most of their time they are selecting usable parts of computers. Since there is not much usable parts this village is complete polluted. This is definitely not the best way of recycling.

Friday 11 May 2012

Unbeliveable technology in Mobiles phones never seen before

We all know a bit about the technologies of mobiles which includes Amps, 2G,3G,CDMA,WCDMA and lot more with different operating systems that are Symbian, Android and windows mobiles but now the technology is going to explore more new and special things and is giving name as next generation mobiles. These mobiles will be different in functions as well in shapes. There are also news that they will based on the thoughts of humans that is they will perform functions by the will and the thinkings of its owner.
Isn't it a nice and informative one do share your precious comments about this new and amazing technology and also share the ideas about your own thinkings about these type of mobiles.

Monday 7 May 2012

Protect your self from robers or boy friends with IPhone

iPhone can do all sorts of things thanks to its accessories, but iPhone cases can transform your iPhone and enhance its functionality as well, and today we’re going to show you Brass knuckles iPhone case. This case transforms your iPhone into a self-defense weapon, or into brass knuckles to be precise. Although Brass knuckles iPhone case is designed to work as a self-defense weapon, it’s probably not recommended to use it, because you might damage your phone while using it.

Luckily for you, Brass knuckles iPhone case is just a concept for now, so you don’t have to worry that you might hurt someone with it, or damage your iPhone while using it.

Transformation pack from windows8 to windows7 vista xp now available at Download now

Have you been hearing alot about the metro styled new OS from Microsoft? Yes, the Windows 8, and are you anxious to try it out but don’t want to go over the fuss of installing the consumer preview version? Well then worry no more because now you can just skin your old windows to feel and look like windows 8 with out ever installing the customer preview and its simple too.

Using the Windows 8 Transformation and UX pack 4.0 you can turn any version of the windows starting from XP and up into windows 8 look alike while the UX pack is only for use with Windows 7.
According to the developers, both packs have the same version number as to avoid confusion but to make things clear the UX pack does not modify any system files to bring you the metro styled UI on your old windows but it will only work on Win 7, while the transformation pack has been rendered more reliable and bug free with the help of user feed back that has brought-in some much needed improvements.

To better mimic the new UI the 4.0 version finally uses the Windows 8 Segoe UI font and includes all of the desktop wallpapers, pictures of guest and user accounts from the consumer preview. For those who couldn’t get around working with the immersive UI, charms bars have also been added as an alternate.
I would recommend these two great skinning apps for those who want to get the taste of this new metro UI without going over the trouble of installing the preview at the same time I would caution novice users to go ahead only if they know what they are doing because it may effect system performance and might not be all that easy to uninstall.