To take photos and shoot video footage with the new iPad tablet, users may be interested in the latest iPad Padcaster case that has been designed to enable anyone in using their DSLR camera lens with the iPad, thereby streaming footage in real-time. With the use of the additional Lenscaster mount, Josh Apter, creator of Padcaster, was able to mount a Carl Zeiss lens on an iPad, thereby allowing him to obtain an enhanced focusing range as well as an enhanced depth of field.
With the integration of 1080p video capture, on-board editing suite, and built-in LTE capabilities, the Padcaster enables any user to shoot, edit and transmit videos using a single package alone, although blurry backgrounds and optical zooming may still be considered as aspects to work on. From here, more attention will be drawn towards the Lenscaster that allows users to make use of a 35mm adapter for an SLR optic to become attached to the iPad’s camera. This leads to the retention of details despite manual focus and zooming options.
The aluminum frame of the Padcaster serves as a DSLR case, enabling users to put up a complete rig comprised of camera, lens, lights, and mic once the urethane iPad insert has been removed. While the Padcaster is set to be put up for sale with a price of roughly $200, the Lenscaster attachment is expected to ship as well for $60 more, thus a heftier price for a more extensive set-up.
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